Solid Waste Collection and Recycling
Allied Waste Services (Republic Services) is under contract with the City of Calexico to collect garbage, curbside recycling and yard waste collection.
Solid waste is removed from each residence once each week using a three-can system. One residential cart is for recyclable materials, one residential cart is for green waste and one residential cart is for refuse. Residential customers are billed by the City. Commercial and industrial properties are billed by the contractor and furnished commercial bins. Collections take place Monday through Saturday from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The solid waste contractor picks up refuse, recycling and green waste materials from City facilities at no cost.
Residents are entitled to a weekly free baulky item pickup each week. Allied Waste Services participates in two community cleanups per year. The City collects a 12% franchise fee on solid waste gross receipts and a 2% AB939 fee on gross receipts earned from solid waste collections.
Mandatory Organic Recycling Program
California State law (Senate Bill 1383) requires all residents, multi-family complexes, and businesses to recycle organic materials (i.e. food waste and green waste.)
The new requirements are part of a statewide effort to reduce harmful methane emissions. Recycling organic waste is a small change with big environmental benefits. Composting food scraps and green waste reduces the amount of waste that is taken to landfills, a major source of methane emissions. If everyone in the United States composted their food waste, the impact would be equivalent to removing 7.8 million cars from the road.
The City of Calexico offers programs to meet the needs of our residents and businesses. Please see below for program details.
All residential customers must place food scraps in the green waste container (green lid) rather than in the trash container (black lid). Items placed in the green container will be composted for more sustainable processing. The only thing that will change is how you sort your food scraps. Your trash, recycling, and green containers will still be serviced the same day, place, and time. We simply ask that you place any food scraps in the green container.
Suitable food scraps include fruits and vegetables, grains, meats, bones, dry/solid dairy products, eggshells, and coffee grounds. Green waste including grass clippings, leaves, plant prunings, flowers, twigs, and small branches (less than 4 inches in diameter and 4 feet long) should also continue to be placed in the green container. As a courtesy reminder, palm fronds, cacti, succulents, dirt, rock, and animal waste are not compostable and should always be placed in the trash container. Palm fronds in particular are a significant source of contamination, which can lead to increased costs.
Commercial Food Waste Recycling
Nearly all Calexico businesses will be enrolled in the Commercial Food Waste Recycling Program and have access to food waste recycling containers. Food waste containers are typically located near trash enclosures and have a brown lid stamped “food waste.” The containers can be used to collect food scraps, including meat, dairy, bones, fruit and vegetable trimmings, breads and grains, eggshells, plate scrapings, and coffee grounds. Food waste and plate scrapings must be placed in a clear plastic bag and placed in the shared food waste container for pickup.
Businesses that already participate in the food waste recycling program are encouraged to regularly revisit the program with their staff and ensure that they are recycling the maximum amount of food waste possible. The State of California will require the City to perform inspections and enforcement to ensure compliance.
Commercial Green Waste Recycling
Starting January 1, 2022, any business that produces landscape/green waste must begin diverting the material from the landfill. Due to space constraints, creating a separate green waste collection program is not practical for many businesses. If you produce green waste, the most efficient way to collect and divert green waste is likely through your landscape contractor. Businesses can comply with the new regulations by ensuring that landscape maintenance contracts are updated to require that the landscaper divert green waste material from landfill. By doing so, you are ensuring that green waste produced by your business is handled appropriately. Per State law, businesses that contract with landscapers to divert their green waste must complete a Third-Party Waiver with the City. See below SB 1383 Waiver Request Form.
Commercial and Multi-Family Waiver
Certain businesses and multi-family complexes with five or more units may qualify for waivers from mandatory organic recycling programs. Only those who have requested and received a waiver from the City can avoid mandated participation.