Abandoned Property Registration

Abandoned & Distressed Property Registration Ordinance        

Calexico has a new ordinance (Ordinance No. 1180) to protect neighborhoods in the City from becoming blighted through the lack of adequate maintenance and security of abandoned and distressed properties.  Properties that are "bank owned," in foreclosure, or default are now required to register with Code Enforcement.          
When to Register          

Registration is required if a property located within the City of Calexico is in default, foreclosure, or is "bank owned," and becomes vacant or shows signs of vacancy.  The beneficiary and trustee under a deed of trust shall perform an inspection of the property prior to recording a notice of default.  Inspections must be performed monthly until either default / foreclosure is remedied or the property becomes vacant or shows signs of vacancy.  Once a property becomes vacant or shows signs of vacancy, the trustee is responsible for maintenance and to register the property with the city.          
Please refer to Calexico Municipal Code Section 8.50 for additional requirements and details.          

Registration is required annually and runs with the calendar year and is not pro-rated.  Initial registration  fees are $150.00 per property.  Annual registration renewal fees of $75.00 per property are due January 1 of each year.          
Learn how to register an abandoned property and the payment options by viewing the how to register and pay webpage.          
Contact Information          

For property registration questions, please contact us at (760)768-2105 or by email at building@calexico.ca.gov.