Code Enforcement

General Information                            

Citizen Complaint Form (click here)

Sidewalk Vending -- Rules and regulations (click here)

Garage Sales -- Permit application, rules, and regulations (click here)

Temporary Signs & Banners -- Permit application, rules, and regulations (click here)

Vacant Property/Buildings -- Permit application, Registration guidelines (click here)

Noise Ordinance -- Hours for lawn and landscape maintenance and construction activity (click here)

City of Calexico Municipal Code -- View the City's Municipal Code online (click here)

Code Enforcement FAQs

Frequently asked questions

  1. What is Code Enforcement?
  2. What penalties result from Code Enforcement?
  3. How do I notify the City of a possible code violation?
  4. What are some common code violations?
  5. What are some concerns not addressed by Code Enforcement?

What is Code Enforcement?

Code Enforcement is responsible for enforcing City Municipal Codes and certain State codes which address public health and safety, property maintenance regulations dealing with rubbish, debris, overgrown yards/vegetation, lack of landscaping, unpermitted construction, unsecured vacant buildings, dilapidated fences and walls, inoperable abandoned vehicles on private property, and other public nuisance conditions; zoning regulations that include illegal uses, home based businesses, business license regulations and unpermitted signs. Enforcement actions are taken proactively and in response to citizen complaints and requests for action by other City departments and outside public agencies. Code enforcement regulations help preserve Calexico’s unique charm and character.  When properties are left in a state of disrepair or are not maintained, the aesthetic value of not only the property itself, but also that of the City as a whole is affected. Participation by all community members to properly maintain their property is important and ultimately benefits everyone.

Code Enforcement Officers promote, protect and improve the health, safety and welfare of the visitors, citizens and properties of the City of Calexico through an effective code enforcement program, Staff enforcement workload is generated by citizen complaints as well as on-site actions that are initiated whatever Code Enforcement Officers observe unsafe, unhealthy or particularly unsightly conditions.  Code Enforcement personnel also enforce the sign code, construction codes, business license codes, abandoned and inoperative vehicle codes and abatement of property nuisances.

The primary function of the Code Enforcement Officers is to educate the public on code issues and work with citizens, business owners and other community stakeholders to achieve voluntary compliance, stall seeks voluntary compliance by establishing a positive relationship with residents and property owners, encouraging them to maintain their properties and to deep unsightly conditions from occurring.  Calexico Code Enforcement Officers are committed to responsive and professional interaction with the public with the goal of promoting an attractive community, improving the living conditions for everyone and protecting the health, safety and welfare of the City of Calexico.

What penalties result from Code Enforcement?

In many cases, the individual responsible for the code violation is given the opportunity to voluntarily correct the situation and comply with current codes without a penalty. If the correction is not made, then the individual may be subject to fines and other penalties.

How do I notify or report a Possible Code Violations?

There are four (4) ways of filing a complaint:

  1. Call Building and Planning directly at (760) 768-2105 and provide all relevant information concerning the complaint during regular business hours.
  2. Send us an email describing all relevant information to the complaint so we can respond at or
  3. Visit us in person and talk to our friendly Planning and Building and Code Enforcement Staff.
  4. Download the Code Enforcement Citizen Complaint form (click here) fill it out and submit it directly in person or forward by email.  The City has strict confidentiality policies and all reporting/complaining party information is confidential.

Some Common Code Enforcement Violations

Business License Required: C.M.C. 5.04.010  It is unlawful for any person, whether as principal or agent, clerk or employee, either for himself or for any other person, or for any corporation, or as an officer of any corporation or otherwise to carry on any business without first having procured a license from the city to do so.

Weeds, dry grasses, dead shrubs, dead trees and other waste matter:C.M.C. 8.40.010 &  8.40.020 (Public Nuisance). Routine landscape maintenance not only eliminates property blight but also eliminates a safety risk that could be present on your or your neighbor's property.

Illegal Garage Sales:  C.M.C. 5.54.020  It is unlawful for any person to organize, conduct or operate a garage sale, in the city without first obtaining a permit.  The permit shall be posted on-site at all times during the course of the sale.

Driving over sidewalk: C.M.C. 12.08.050  It is unlawful for any person to drive or permit the driving of any vehicle or machine on any sidewalk in the city except at warehouse entrances or established driveways without first having obtained a permit from Public Works - Administration Division.

Vehicles in excess of ½ on on city streets prohibited  CMC.10.32.100  Parking shall be prohibited for all trucks, trailers, semitrailers, buses and any and all other types of vehicles.

Substandard Housing & Enumeration of Conditions: CMC Section 15.08.010 & 8.44.030  It is a public nuisance and unlawful for any person to maintain, cause, aid, abet, conceal, suffer or permit another to maintain any real property in the city in such a manner that one or more conditions listed under this section are found to exist. 

House Trailers / House Cars / RV’s (recreational vehicles) CMC  8.52.050  It is unlawful to use trailers or house cars on private property for living quarters, sleeping quarters, business purposes or storage of any articles besides normal house-trailer equipment and furnishings  

Inoperative vehicles:C.M.C. 5.48.030 The Calexico Municipal Code prohibits the parking or storage of inoperative, dismantled, and junk vehicles on private property which constitutes a nuisance and hazard to the health, safety and general welfare of the public. Inoperative vehicles must be stored within an enclosed structure (garage).

Washing Vehicles on City Streets:  C.M.C. 12.12.030  It is unlawful for any person to wash any vehicle or other object or discharge or spill any water, oil, or any other liquid upon any public street, alley, park, parkway, or any public property in the city.

Dumping of miscellaneous trash, debris, junk, and/or lumber:C.M.C. 8.40.010 &8.40.020. The scattering or depositing on of "unsightly" items throughout any property in any zone is not only considered a code violation but can cause de-valuation to property values throughout the community.

Graffiti on Private Property: C.M.C. 9.33.020 & 9.33.020 It has been determined that the increase of graffiti on both public and private buildings, structures and in other places, creates a condition of blight within the city which can result in the deterioration of property values, business opportunities, and enjoyment of life for persons using adjacent and surrounding properties. Graffiti is a public nuisance, and is subject to punishment and abatement as prescribed in this chapter and Chapter 1.28.

Illegal Signs:C.M.C 17.01.1100 This section regulates the placement, type, size, and number of all signs allowed within the city. Permits are also required for all temporary banners. See Garage Sale regulations for rules about signs and advertisements for garage sales.

Noise Regulations: C.M.C. 8.46.010 At certain levels noise can be detrimental to the health, welfare, Safety and quality of life of the citizenry and in the public interest it shall be restricted in order to implement the goals of the noise element of the city’s general plan and ordinance to prohibit unwanted and unnecessary sounds of all types within the community.

Prefabricated Metal and Fabric Carports:  Before you purchase a prefabricated, metal, or fabric carport, please be advised that approval of a building permit is required and must meet setback requirements.

Building without a Permit:C.M.C. 15.04.010 Building permits are required for most types of  construction and/or  home improvement projects (e.g.) plumbing, heating, air conditioning, decks, electrical panel replacement & upgrades, new homes, storage rooms greater than 120 s.f. with electrical switches, etc..  room additions, Jr. ADU’s, Detached ADU’s, swimming pools, etc. For more information, please call the Planning and Building Departments at (760) 768-2105 to determine is a permit is require for any project you are considering.

Materials on Sidewalks, Streets & Alleys: C.M.C. 12.08.040 & 8.44.030 It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, whether as principal or agent, clerk or employee, either for himself or for any other person, to leave any material out  on the city sidewalk street or alley longer than two hours.

Some concerns not addressed by Code Enforcement

The Code Enforcement Division does not address neighbor disputes or civil problems involving two or more  separate parties.  EXAMPLES OF CIVIL PROBLEMS INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING:
  • Overhanging tree branches on private property
  • Leaves or debris which blow into a pool or yard from one or more private properties to another
  • Damage to a fence when fencing repairs on one or more private properties are being made
  • Overwatering or water run-off from one private property onto one or more private properties
  • Violations of homeowner association (HOA) Covenants, Conveyances or Restrictions (CC&R’s)


For other general information contact the following agencies or city departments, as follows:

  • All Animal Complaints,(Animal Control) (760)768-1861
  • Unknown Organic Growth (mold) Lead Poisoning or Exposure(I.C. Health Dept.) (442) 265-1888)
  • Landlord/Tenant Rights & Responsibilities (Inland Fair Housing) (800) 321-0911 x175
  • Report Housing Discrimination (Inland Fair Housing) (909) 984-2254, x175 Email:
  • Structure Fires (Fire Department and Code Enforcement) (760) 768-2150; (760) 768-2105
  • Any type of construction without a permit in any zone (Planning and Building) (760) 768-2105
  • Noise Complaints  (Police Dep.t. and Code Enforcement)  (760) 768-2140 Ext. 0; (760)768-2105
  • Discarded Materials  and/or Debris thrown onto City Streets, Alleys or Sidewalks  (Public Works) (760) 768-2160
  • Graffiti on Private or City Property (Public Works and Code Enforcement ) (760) 768-2160; (760)768-2105
  • Abandoned or Stray Shopping carts (Police Dept.) (760) 768-2140 Ext.0
  • Business License Questions (Finance)  (760) 768-2120 or 2122
  • Temporary Signs, Pennants, Banners, Flags or Permanent Signage for Businesses (Plng. & Building) (760)768-2105
  • City Tree Trimming or Removal within City Right-of-Way (Public Works) (760) 768-2160
  • Bed Bugs, Cockroaches, Mosquitos - (Imperial County Public Health Dept.) (442) 265-1888                 
  • Swimming Pool Maintenance or Mosquitos  (Imperial County Health Dept.) (442) 265-1888;(442) 265-1451
  • Farm Labor Recruitment (Planning) (760) 768-2105
  • Raising FFA or 4H Animals for Educational Purposes (Planning) (760)768-2105
  • Parking Enforcement or Abandoned Vehicles on City Streets (Police Dept/Traffic) (760) 768-2140 Ext. 0
  • Home Occupation Permits to operate a business from home (Planning & Building) (760) 768-2105
  • Cottage Food Operations, Food Carts, Vending Vehicle Operations (I.C. Health Dept.) (442) 265-1451
  • Trash Collection, Recycling & Waste Services (Republic Services) (760) 337-2415; (760) 222-7605
  • Bee Hotline - (Imperial County Public Health Dept.) (760) 336-2252
  • Small Claims Court - (Imperial County Courts) (760) 482-2200 Email: