Engineering Department
Department Mission
The mission of the Engineering and Development Services Department is to oversee the City’s community development; engineering, repair and construction of major infrastructure projects, and building safety and inspection services within the City of Calexico. This includes short-range and long-range planning, specific residential development and commercial and industrial site plans; major construction and repair of the City’s water, wastewater, storm drainage, building, streets, curb and gutter and sidewalk systems; and protection of the public health, safety and welfare through grading plan checks, issuing grading permits and conducting inspections of new residential, commercial and industrial buildings.
Department Description
City Engineer’s Office.
The City Engineer performs the statutory functions of City Engineer pertaining to the review and checking of land subdivisions and improvements plans including review of tentative maps, parcel maps, final maps, lot-line adjustments, grant deeds, grant easements, and conditional use permits; manages preparation of plans and specifications for specific capital projects; oversees City consultants and manages technical studies focusing on water, wastewater, streets, storm drainage, parks and public buildings; manages inspection services for all construction projects and coordinates all infrastructure projects between different public and private entities including utility companies, government agencies and commercial and industrial businesses.
The engineering staff (Engineering Technician) is responsible for the orderly development of all public infrastructure in the City of Calexico including the water system, wastewater system, storm drainage system, parks system, streets system and public buildings. In this capacity, the engineering staff reviews tentative maps, parcel maps, final maps, lot-line adjustments, grant deeds, grant easements and conditional use permits (CUP). Staff checks engineering plans prepared by developers for all residential, commercial and industrial proposals, Manages Encroachment permits and oversees plans for traffic control. They also conduct infrastructure analysis and prepare project-specific requirements for development projects. Staff also prepares inspection improvement agreements, subdivision improvement agreements, reimbursement agreements and deferred improvement agreements. In this capacity they coordinate the review and approval of various agreements with other staff of the Engineering and Development Services Department, Public Works Department, City Manager and City Attorney.
The Engineering Staff also oversee infrastructure technical studies and assist in the preparation of environmental documents and development impact fee studies. Division personnel prepare bid documents and investigate and prepare change orders and progress payments for construction contracts. Staff also assists the Administration Department and Financial Services Department in the preparation and submittal of reimbursement requests to the State and Federal funding agencies.