Visitor Information


Holiday Inn Express 760-768-6048

Hollie's Hotel 760-357-3271

John Jay Best Western 760-768-0442

California Suites Motel 760-890-0111

Border Motel 760-357-2707

(Area Code 760)  Click here for a list of restaurants offering delivery service during COVID-19.

Applebee's 768-1649

Rosa's Plane Food  890-8860

Denny's   357-4505

D'Poly's Taqueria 357-2928

Yum Yum's Chinese   357-6000

Golden Dragon Chinese 357-8422

Church's Fried Chicken   357-6630

Kentucky Fried Chicken   357-1141

Jack in the Box   357-4211

Mc Donald's   357-6309

Rally's Hamburgers   357-8205

Pizza Hut   357-6722

Hungry Howies Pizza  357-4700

Las Palmas Restaurant 357-1510


Calexico Taxi   357-1119

Border Cab Co.   357-6161

Yellow Taxi Cab  357-2412

Greyhound Bus  357-1895