Development Services
(Building/Planning/Code Enforcement)
Department Mission
The Mission of the Development Services Department is to oversee the City's community development repair and construction of major infrastructure projects, and building safety and inspection services within the City of Calexico. This includes short-range and long range planning, specific residential development and commercial and industrial site plans; major construction and protection of the public health, safety and welfare through building plan checks, issuing building permits and conducting inspections of new residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Development Services Department also provides code enforcement services to protect properly values and the health, safety and welfare of the community.
Department Description
The Building and Safety Office conducts plan checks, issues building permits and inspects residential, commercial and industrial structures under construction. Staff enforces the California Building Code and other building codes adopted by the City. They also investigate and respond to complaints and building code violations. The building and Safety Office maintains a telephone- based inspection request system tl1at provides next-day inspection service. Personnel will provide same-day inspections where an inspection is urgently needed and inspectors are available. In unusual cases, where tl1ere is a serious and urgent life & safety concern, inspections are provided any time they are needed including nights, weekends and holidays.
Planning Office
The Planning Office reviews all residential, commercial and industrial development proposals made by developers to the City of Calexico. It processes all requests for annexations, rezoning, and land use entitlements such as conditional use permits (CUP), subdivision maps and commercial and industrial site plans, the department coordinates recommendations from t h e City Engineer, City Attorney, Public Works Manager, Building Official, Fire Chief, Police Chief, other staff members, utility companies and other stakeholders and interested parties. Planning Office personnel serve as staff members to the City Council, Planning Commission and various citizens advisory committees. They make written and verbal recommendations to these decision-making bodies at public meetings.
Code Enforcement Office
Code Enforcement Officers promote, protect and improve the health, safety and welfare of the visitors, citizens and properties of the City of Calexico through an effective code enforcement program, Staff enforcement workload is generated by citizen complaints as well as on-site actions that arc initiated whatever Code Enforcement Officers observe unsafe, unhealthy or particularly unsightly conditions. Code Enforcement personnel also enforce the sign code, construction codes, business license codes, abandoned and inoperative vehicle codes and abatement of property nuisances.
The primary function of the Code Enforcement Officers is to educate the public on code issues and work with citizens, business owners and other community stakeholders to achieve voluntary compliance, stall seeks voluntary compliance by establishing a positive relationship with residents and properly owners, encouraging them to maintain their properties and to deep unsightly conditions from occurring. Calexico Code Enforcement Officers are committed to responsive and professional interaction with the public with the goal of promoting an attractive community, improving the living conditions for everyone and protecting the health, safety and welfare of the City of Calexico.