Encroachment Permit

Encroachment Permits are useful when a private project has work planned inside of the city property, this work cannot be performed without explicit permit from the city. the permit is carefully reviewed for city code compliance and safety, it usually requires a form of traffic control where portions of the city street or sidewalk will be obstructed for the duration of the private project, liability insurance for third parties and a site plan with descriptors of the work schedule.

Encroachment Permits are usually required for:

 - New Driveway, Replacement of Driveway

 - Installation or repair of Water, Sewer or Drainage lines

 - Installation or repair of other utilities (ie. Poles, Phone Lines, Electricity, Gas)

 - Placing of Dumpster or Container for remodel debris on the street or city Right of Way

 - Replacement of Parkway Trees in ROW



Please contact the Engineering Technician for the processing of your permit or questions


Application for Encroachment Permit