Sidewalk Vending
In accordance with California Senate Bill 946, the Safe Sidewalk Vending Act, the City of Calexico requires sidewalk vendors to first obtain a City of Calexico Business License. The City of Calexico Business License Application and associated requirements are available at the following link:
5.84.010 Prohibited on certain streets.
It is unlawful for any person, whether as principal or agent, clerk or employee, either for himself or for any other person, or for any corporate body, or as an officer of any corporation, or otherwise, to park or stand, or to allow to be parked or stood, any cart, wagon, truck, automobile truck, or any other vehicle, or to place, or to allow to be placed, any stand or display for the purpose of selling, vending, or peddling therefrom ice cream, tamales, fruits, vegetables, groceries or any other food produce whatsoever intended for human consumption upon:
A. Certain portions of certain public streets of the city, more particularly designated and described as follows:
1. Heber Avenue, Heffernan Avenue, Rockwood Avenue, Paulin Avenue, and Imperial Avenue at any point south of the south line of Fourth Street in the city,
2. First Street, Second Street and Third Street, all in the city, at any point between the west line of Imperial Avenue and the east line of Heber Avenue in the city;
B. Any public sidewalk adjoining said portions of said public streets as described in subsection A of this section;
C. All residential zones within the city except areas designated by the city manager for servicing institutional sites within the residential areas;
D. A violation of this section shall be deemed an infraction and shall be punished by a fine of one hundred dollars for the first violation. A second violation within a year shall be punished by a fine of two hundred dollars. A third or subsequent violation shall be fined two hundred fifty dollars.
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