The Maddy Act

Local Appointments List 2023


In compliance with the requirements of the Maddy Act, Government Code Section 54973, the following is a list of City of Calexico Boards, Commissions and Committee Members whose terms run through December 2022.  The qualifications necessary to be appointed to the Board, Commission or Committee are as follows:

A.  To hold appointment, each appointee shall neither hold public office, or city employment, nor shall he/she be an officer of any local, state or national partisan official group. All members of commissions, boards and committees of the city shall be residents of the city or shall regularly work within the city.

B.  Any members who do not fit the criteria listed herein and who already sit on a commission, board, or committee at the time that this chapter is effective will be allowed to serve out his or her terms of office.

The following list includes the current appointments and vacancies on the various Boards, Commissions and Committees: