Economic Development/Financial Advisory Commission


2.30.010 - Established.
A commission to be known and designated as the Economic Development and Financial Advisory Commission of the city is created and established. The rules and regulations set forth in Chapter 2.19 shall apply to this commission.

2.30.020 - Organization.
A. The commission shall be composed of five members.
B. The commission will have the right to solicit an honorary membership list to consist of any and all agencies interested in economic development. These agencies will have all rights except that of voting.

2.30.030 - Powers and duties.
A. The commission shall have such specific duties and powers as the city council shall from time to time invest in it.
B. In addition, the commission shall have the following objects, duties and powers:
1. Economic Development
a. Study, investigate, develop, and carry out plans, subject to the approval of the city council, for promoting and irnproving the economic climate of the Calexico area;
b. Promote business and community growth;
c. Prepare a comprehensive community action program designed to bring about economic and resources development;
d. Coordinate all efforts of the departments of the city and representatives of other government agencies in the areas of economic development and planning;
e. Follow through with prospective developers in helping them invest in Calexico;
f. Investigate and report to the city council all specific matters referred to it by the council, together with its recommendations thereon.
2. Financial Advisory
a. Study, investigate, and advise the council on budgetary issues and adoption of the yearly budget;
b. Oversee department spending;
c. Provide city council with a financial plan for the city;
d. Review city partnerships with private developers when requested by city staff or the city counciL
C. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to abridge or change the powers and duties of other commissions, departments, boards or bodies of the city."


This commission will meet as follows:

Meeting Place: 

Fernando "Nene" Torres Council Chambers
608 Heber Avenue, Calexico, CA  92231

Meeting Dates: Regular Meetings for this commission will be held quarterly on the second Tuesday of the following months:  February, April, July & November.

Meeting Time:  6:00 p.m.

Meetings may be cancelled and/or Special meetings held
*Check agenda to confirm upcoming meeting details


Armando Martinez, Commissioner
Fabiola Calderon, Commissioner
Enrique Ramirez, Commissioner

For information on this commission, please contact the the Finance Department at (760) 768-2130.

EDFA Regular Meeting Agenda May 11, 2021 EDFA Regular Meeting Agenda May 11, 2021