The City has 22 parks totaling 60 acres, or approximately 1.7 acres per 1,000 residents. In addition, it has another 122 acres of open space. Park maintenance is done by a full-time City employee, two part-time Hunter employees and by a park maintenance and downtown maintenance contractor. The contract furnishes all labor, tools, equipment and material; pays all permits, taxes and/or inspection fees necessary to maintain all landscape, public facilities, downtown alleys and trash receptacles.
Services are required on a daily basis are cleanup and maintenance of public restrooms, downtown alleys, and disposal of all public trash receptacles. The contract requires the contractor to mow, edge, trim and remove all weeds in lawn areas throughout the premises; trim, shape and prune trees, shrubs and other plants as needed; cultivate planting areas; fertilize law and planted areas as needed; remove scattered trash and/or debris from park trash receptacles, ramps, walkways and public parking lots; collect and dispose of all trash receptacles in the downtown areas; clean, sanitize and refill supplies at all public restroom facilities on a daily basis; inspect and/or report to the Public Works Department all irrigation system deficiencies.
John F. Kennedy Park Rubber Mulch Replacement Project
Grant from the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle)

Playground No. 1 – 2,168 CA Waste Tires Diverted.
Playground No. 2 – 2,165 CA Waste Tires Diverted.